Posted on February 7, 2013

We are excited to announce that we’ve launched Diaperpedia, a FREE app for diapering and soon-to-be diapering parents everywhere! It’s available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Find diaper decks and diaper changing tables when you need them most Add changing table locations for yourself and other parents Rate and review baby changing tables Win! Get entered […]
Posted on January 20, 2013

I wasn’t planning on making a play kitchen, but then my son played with his cousins’ play kitchen at Grandma’s house when we went to visit for the holidays. The fun he had there, coupled with the fact that certain real-life kitchen tasks like cutting vegetables are better done without toddler help, led to the […]
Posted on January 11, 2013

Having a child has given me a new awareness of the difficulty in controlling my environment when I’m on the go. I was recently planning an overnight trip to visit my grandparents, which led to a conversation with my husband that went like this: Me: So the guest suite at my grandparents’ [assisted care facility] is booked. All […]
Posted on January 9, 2013

An ongoing struggle at our house is avoiding food waste. Even before we entered the sleep deprived, brain cell reduced world of parenting, we seemed to always have at least a few “science experiments” going in the fridge. We kept finding ourselves cleaning rotting food out of the fridge and saying, “we are not going […]
Posted on December 20, 2012

A stroller can be an invaluable parental command center when on the go, but shopping for one is dizzying process. Hollie Schultz, mother of three, makes it easier with her Baby Gizmo video reviews. Here are some of the reasons we love Baby-Gizmo’s videos: Features: Hollie walks viewers through all of the features of each […]
Posted on November 30, 2012

Update: We’ve got our reviewers lined up, so we are no longer looking for people to review this product. Stay posted, though, as we will be doing a giveaway for these bottles after we hear back from our reviewers. We recently posted looking for two families to help us review Coddlelife vented bottles for an upcoming […]
Posted on November 28, 2012

Are you looking for a DVD, CD or book to fulfill a gift on someone’s gift registry? You may already have what you need in your closet or entertainment center and not even know it! Thanks to Swap a DVD, you can turn the old horror films you aren’t watching anymore into self-help parenting DVD’s […]
Posted on November 21, 2012

It’s that time of year again and retailers are upping their advertising for “Black Friday” deals for day after Thanksgiving shoppers. Wouldn’t it be nice to get better than “Black Friday” prices all year long, without long lines, and with guaranteed low prices without spending the night in a cold parking lot? Here’s an easy, […]
Posted on November 13, 2012

Update: We’ve got two reviewers lined up, so we are no longer looking for people to review this product. Stay posted, though, as we will be doing a giveaway for these bottles after we hear back from our reviewers. Have you ever thought to yourself, “why do bloggers get to have all the freebie fun?” We’ve […]
Posted on October 25, 2012

Sleep, and how to get more of it for you and your baby, is one of the top parenting topics. Here are our five tips for taking in the wide variety of information on the subject. 1. Understand How Sleep Works Before you can fix or make improvements to something, you have to understand […]
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